"...my poetry forces mankind to confront the consequences
resulting from their decisions; to face the snubbed realities of today's everyman"

Welcome to the official website for Shirley Howard Hall

Diversified writer, widely read poet, noted public speaker
Advocate for peace, freedom, and equality

About the Author

Born Shirley Howard in Cleveland Ohio, Hall’s childhood and adolescence was sturdily guarded and strictly controlled. The eldest of three children growing up in a mixed middle-class community, exposure to America’s diverse cultures came in the form of neighbors, classmates, family and friends. Deliberately sheltered from political, economical and social issues; music, reading, writing, and day-dreaming imbued Hall’s blithe and carefree days.

One of Hall’s fondest memories is weekend trips to Cleveland’s main Public Library. Hours were spent in the massive stone building with its high ceilings and hand painted murals. Although the Lewis Carroll Room on the third floor was for children and young adults, Hall could be found riding the elevators from floor to floor; gazing through adult books and texts; learning new words unearthing new ideas and developing new perspectives. It wasn’t what was in the books that excited Hall most (although she read each one thoroughly), it was the words that dressed the pages. The sentences and paragraphs that properly arranged could take her to places she’d never been, introduce theories and concepts that were new and exciting. Living, experiencing, learning and writing Hall crossed the country, attended an array of colleges and universities and for years spent a carefree life abroad.

Inspired by the writings of Shakespeare, Poe, Gibran, and Hughes, Hall began writing and publishing short stories and later turned to poetry. In 2006 after retiring from corporate America Hall was afforded the freedom and time to impart passions and beliefs through her artfully crafted lexis. Submitting poems and essays on-line and to venues within her community, Hall soon began blogging and publishing her controversial poems and essays. A voice for the middle class, the displaced and the poor, Hall was approached by a publisher who appreciated her message and believed in what she was doing. Her first book “One Day” became the author’s way of making a difference and taking a stand. In Hall’s second book “LISTEN” she compels us to look at the mistreated and enslaved, hopeless and helpless, abused and disenfranchised; to acknowledge and at times concede to the darkness that masks their faces.

Although her focus remains on poetic advocacy, as freelance writer and owner of MORE THAN WORDS Hall’s projects range from social and corporate communications to speech writing, personal greetings, and public speaking. Hall has presented her poems in schools, colleges, churches, and in 1979 by special invitation to the Ambassador at the American Embassy in Spain. Additional credits include publication in various college presses, magazines and community newspapers.

As freelance writer and owner of MORE THAN WORDS, she creates unique digital and print content for businesses, corporations, individuals, educational and social organizations through research, project and subject development. Complying with client preferences, building a broader customer/reader base she specializes in:. Editing, Ghost Writing, web content, white papers, press releases, blog content, feature stories, and newsletters

An advocate for peace, freedom, and equality the award winning poet continues to challenge religious, social and political agendas through her controversial poetry and essays. Today her poems are read and appreciated worldwide. ..

Hall’s favorite quote comes from Marianne Williamson’s Return to Love“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”