"...my poetry forces mankind to confront the consequences
resulting from their decisions; to face the snubbed realities of today's everyman"

Welcome to the official website for Shirley Howard Hall

Diversified writer, widely read poet, noted public speaker
Advocate for peace, freedom, and equality

LISTEN - Press Releases

CONTACT: Shirley Hall Poet, LLC
PO Box 3938
Broken Arrow, OK 74013


“Author exposes nocturnal voices through poetry and verse”

Shirley Hall continues as the voice behind the story
in her latest collection “LISTEN”
Produced by Total Publishing and Media, TULSA, Okla. – 2009

LISTEN takes you deep into the conscientious of the socially, economically, and culturally challenged. Confronting the communal stigmas of not fitting in, LISTEN is a first person journey into the breaking hearts and poignant lives of those who fail to flourish in today’s society.  In this collection the author compels us to look at the abused and enslaved.  The hopeless and helpless, living in tent cities and sleeping in cars; their stories scrolled ticker tape style across the bottom of our screens; consciously unseen – subconsciously unheard. The author forces us to acknowledge and at times concede to the darkness that masks their faces. Fearing the infinite in ourselves, “Listen” engulfs us in screams that get louder, emotions that clash with understanding, and  a whirlwind of confrontations, economics, and dogmas that marginalize a society of real people, attempting to live real lives

Rich in enlightenment, yet dark and enticing, Listen is for real people living real lives. Although the authors work trends toward academia, LISTEN is an awakening that shines a light on the portico that separates those who think they “have” from those who are sure they “have not”.  In this special edition of LISTEN, the author has included consigned pieces that bring her amazing talents full circle. Coupled with the author’s photography and design, LISTEN has something for the reader in all of us

Author of “ONE DAY; Life, Love and Controversy in Middle America”, and a contributor to “CANDY”, edited by Dale Winslow and Erin Badough, Shirley remains an advocate for peace, freedom, and equality. The author uses a quote from John O’Donohue to summarize the premise of this collection.

at Amazom.com, Barnes and Noble .com,
national and International online sites and everywhere
books are sold.

Paperback: 130 pages
Publisher: Total Publishing And Media (October 1, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0881444812
ISBN-13: 978-0881444810


ONE DAY - Press Releases

CONTACT: Shirley Hall Poet, LLC
PO Box 3938
Broken Arrow, OK 74013


Author Becomes Voice for Middle Class through Poetry.

Shirley Hall causes the reader to think deeply about the issues that mankind is facing in her book “One Day; Life, Love and Controversy in Middle America” produced by Total Publishing and Media TULSA, Okla. – 2009

One Day by Shirley Hall is a collection of works which highlight the issues and challenges facing mankind in the 20th and 21st centuries. In this collection the author openly discusses, war, slavery, race, health care, crime, religion, AIDS, cancer, spousal and child abuse, mental illness, suicide, love, and moral and immoral relationships. Through a wonderful provocative prose, she makes their voices  heard.Using the richest of language, ONE DAY highlights the complexities facing mankind today. Writing in first person the author opens avenues of understanding by becoming the voice of the people behind the story. From the chains of slavery to the horrors of abuse, from the terror of the battlefield, to the breakdown of the family, a whirlwind of emotions rise and fall as the author embodies an excruciating honesty in a most unexpected format.

“In time the war on the middle class extended beyond the assumed battleground. Despite a growing economy in many nations, adversity and catastrophe abounded. An uprising of hatred led to genocides, racial cleansings, and the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children. Victims of natural disasters at home and abroad found themselves suffering at the hands of inefficient governments with race, financial standings and socio-economics determining the level and timeliness of assistance.”

Through poetry the author became a voice for the middle class, the displaced and the poor, and in time began blogging this controversial poetry. Approached by a publisher who appreciated her message and believed in what she was doing, “One Day” became the author’s way of making a difference and taking a stand.  Although this project has trended toward academia, ONE DAY has something for everyone. This collection crosses all educational, political, and social genres. It is for anyone interested in hearing the voice of the people behind the story. The subtitle says it all: Life, Love and Controversy in Middle America.

“One Day: Life, Love and Controversy in Middle America”
at Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com,
national and international online sites
and everywhere books are sold.

Product Details
Paperback: 82 pages
Publisher: Total Publishing and Media; 2nd edition (January 8, 2009)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0881443441
ISBN-13: 978-0881443448